Martha my Sister

Martha was a great friend, sister, chosen family, mentor, confidante and someone who would have solutions to those problems that I dared attend to, her words echo in my ears till today, asking "What is the problem, mushkil kya hai hamien batao".  It is difficult to describe in words how empowered, unloaded and supported I felt in those moments. She was my coolest English speaking friend (in those days). I always looked up to her and wanted to hang out with her. We laughed, did crazy things and had fun. I have such beautiful vivid memories of those golden days. Martha never made me feel less in any way, she was so perfect in my eyes. She had always been there for me in most difficult times of my life. She has made such a difference in my life, she helped me come out of my cocoon and experience freedom. 

Martha will always be missed, her memories are all we have. She will always be with us in spirit.

--Neelam Sharma